two dead celebs? Lets see Farrah Fawcett died today of colan cancer, and Micheal Jackson died today of a heart attack. not that i new what either one did but still Two in one day? and at least Farrah got to say good bye to everyone... well life goes on. BTW i only care because;
1. Micheal didn't see this coming and couldn't say anything
2. He was considered an idol A.K.A. The King of Pop
3. TWO in one day?
4. the man DIED for gods sake that's good enough of a reason alone.
well thats all i got to say and anyone reading this probobly read the same thing on another Newgrounder post since theres so many. Also still in the mood for conversation. still bored. i respond to all comments. that is all.
i knew this 14 seconds before i read this. (comcast news)
wow really?